NB5 Docs► Reference Section► Drivers▼ stdout 🖺


This is an activity type which allows for the generation of data into to stdout or a file. It reads the standard nosqlbench YAML format. It can read YAML activity files for any activity type that uses the curly brace token form in statements.

Example activity definitions

Run a stdout activity named 'stdout-test', with definitions from activities/stdout-test.yaml

nb5 driver=stdout workload=stdout-test

Only run statement groups which match a tag regex

nb5 driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=group:'ddl.*'

Run the matching 'dml' statements, with 100 cycles, from [1000..1100)

nb5 driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=group:'dml.*' cycles=1000..11000 filename=test.csv

This last example shows that the cycle range is [inclusive..exclusive), to allow for stacking test intervals. This is standard across all activity types.

stdout ActivityType Parameters


This activity type uses the uniform yaml configuration format. For more details on this format, please refer to the Standard YAML Format

Configuration Parameters

Statement Format

The statement format for this activity type is a simple string. Tokens between curly braces are used to refer to binding names, as in the following example:

     op1: "It is {minutes} past {hour}."

If you want to suppress the trailing newline that is automatically added, then you must either pass newline=false as an activity param, or specify it in the statement params in your config as in:

    stmt: "It is {minutes} past {hour}."
    newline: false

Auto-generated statements

If no statement is provided, then the defined binding names are used as-is to create a CSV-style line format. The values are concatenated with comma delimiters, so a set of bindings like this:

     one: Identity()
     two: NumberNameToString()

would create an automatic string template like this:

 op1: "{one},{two}\n"

The auto-generation behavior is forced when the format parameter is supplied.

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